A Note About the Measurements

Wraps are inherently difficult to measure. Length is measured with a soft tape in hand. The tape measure I use is 100 ft, so it is done continuously. I square the wrap when measuring width (so as not to measure diagonally) and flatten the wrap without stretching to get the width. Thickness is measured with a micrometer. This is highly dependent on user. Thicknesses should be used in comparison rather than as absolutes.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Didymos Kobalt Rouge

Didymos Kobalt Rouge is a super thin linen blend indio with amazing shimmer.  Very light weight to the point where it is delicate and has a tendency to be diggy.  I have owned two from the same weaving the measurements are nearly identical.

Weight/Area:  163 g/qm
Width:  66 cm
Thickness:  17 mils

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